Customer Support is available at the Contact Us link.

Contact Us
Comments, questions, suggestions, and more are welcome.

As the creator and site admin I work diligently to keep the site free of errors and keeping the site up and running, all the while further developing new capabilites, or beautifying the site a little every day as I can see to do. I offer my apologies for any errors you may find, and I promise to fix them as soon as possible, and to do so with speed and grace in the fixing.

Due to incessant SPAM and phishing attacks, we removed email addresses and now offer a Contact Us form for your use in contacting us for any reason regarding the site, ask a question about the Star Arts or the site, billing or plans, products or services, and if useful to all, we will post it with our response.

On questions about the site, please be clear as can be in your question or suggestion, with details as needed IF an error occured.

On questions about the Star Arts, please be accurately brief so your question is clear as a bell, and can be answered. Please know, I Love great questions and I Love to answer them. I have been doing so for over 38 years now. Yes, it has taken me this long to get to this point of being able to share our research database and processing capabilities with you, again. We did so in 2012 to 2016, and now we are back, with the upgraded site having new capabilities, and new Star Arts.

Datebase Provisio: If you enter numbers in the database, be observant to ensure the correct translation of any numbers, 2024 or 1,360,000, etc. Does it properly convert to the spoken text ??

Example: the number 23 will be converted to twenty three without the hyphen. (All hyphens are replaced with a space.)
If you use the hyphen, it will be processed out. All symbols are processed out, or converted to text as appropriate, $ to dollars, % to percent, etc.

Example: the number 2024 will be converted to two thousand twenty four, not twenty twenty four.
If you use a number such as 7,453,000 it will not be processed properly : seven four hundred fifty three zero zero zero.
It is far better to type the number as it is spoken, when the number is large.

You will notice entries with low ID numbers may have this showing:
Description: internal search, or
Description: external search

In late 1998, we began copying the external searches folks did to find our .org site, and we began to process them in our database, along with searches folks did within the site. We no longer track searches folks use to arrive, nor do we track searches folks make in the database and then enter those. If that changes, we will post it here.

If you have any questions or suggestions, I am here to serve you and to make this site the best it can be. I appreciate your being here, and I appreciate your interest in the Star Arts and the Sequencers database services.

Again, Thank You for your interest and support.
~ Kathy Onu
Sites Admin
Contact Us

Listen to the Voicings of the Star Arts of AMERICANS.
America deserves a newer, higher awareness anthem.
This is a Voicing of the Star Art, with music background.
We are working on scoring the new song for all to sing this anthemly song.
Here, the words have been spoken in the studio, with musician friends creating as we went along.
Listen for one word, ERACISM, say as ee RAY sism, meaning to ERAse raCISM from our hearts.
Please do not listen while operating machinery.
Do not drive while listening. Do not listen while driving. We have reports of folks pulling
over to the side of the road while listening to the Voicings of the Star Arts of AMERICANS, and ..
reporting they have no memory of doing so. This 3 minute 33 second recording is powerful.
It is like nothing you have ever heard in your life, no matter your age.
The Voicings of the Star Arts of AMERICANS can grab your attention and hold it.
I also suggest using headphones, if available.
Last note .. this is an awakening experience, and it is a healing awareness.
There is great hope for AMERICA and AMERICANS, and so the world.
Please enjoy our free ebook
StarLight Expressions ~ The Letters' Trestle
135 pages of Star Arts
Also known as Lexigrams
lexi means: word; as a lexicon is a dictionary
-gram means: written out or drawn out in full
Please accept our offer of the free ebook,
StarLight Expressions ~ The Letters' Trestle.

From your seeing that, the following will make sense.

The Sequencers database is capable of sequencing the entire English language from any time period, including new creations. This relational database enables us to relate the letter sequences to their creations. Similar to the Genome Project's decoding of the DNA, here we also use letters and words and sentences to show relationships of creation. Our DNA uses four letters. English uses twenty-six letters. The computer empowers the deciphering of our DNA. The computer's relational database empowers the deciphering of our language. It can relate the sequences to each other, and relationships of the lettering's sequences show up instantly.

Particular results the researchers seek are contained in the particular sequence searches. As you enter a new word, phrase or name, it will show you if your entry has any of the five sequences matching, and if so, how many matches exist. Click the match notice and voila, there they are. If you research words in any way, if you Love words, phrases, names, and you want to know them moreso, this is the app for you.

What are the sequences, you ask ??
Text Sequence : this is your entry, with all punctuations removed, numbers converted to their words .. 21 becomes twenty one.
Creation Sequence : matches are rare, and delightful : example : show edit == showed it.
Complete Sequence : Perfect Anagrams show up here, and when a match or matches show up, they usually earn their name, Perfect Anagrams.
Lexigram Sequence : Used for creating what we call Star Arts. These can be Word Arts, Phrase Arts, or Name Arts.
Singular Sequence : a research sequence undescribed at this time.
Lense Sequence : if entered, if will gather and show collection of entries belonging to that sequence, revealing Star Art lines.

Visit this page and every question is answered ..
The different sequences are used for different things

Members can see and now prove and so know words really do lead to their
actions in reactions or creations.

This work is dedicated to Peace On Earth Good Will All.

Words are key, and kindness counts, we are all kin.

Kind Kin Is In I In KINDNESS.
~ Kathy Onu
Member's usages guide further development of Sequencers.

Members enjoy the benefits as further developed.

The benefits now are substantial, if you Love English.

Sequencers is built by Kathy Onu
The Good Works On Earth Trust

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