Silver, Gold, and Platinum members will see this links bar on their pages :

Sequences | New Sequence | Singulars | Lexigrams | Completes | Creations | Lenses | Texts | BeginSnip | ContainSnip | EndSnip
Perfect Anagrams can be created, discovered and verified using the Completes search link.

The Perfect Anagram is so named because English is capable of showing the 'two sides of the same coin,' or perhaps better described as the 'healings of ills in the same letter frequency.' The Perfect Anagrams show a new view on the same letters and their creations. Folks pretty much all know that a Full Anagram is one that uses all the letters of the mother word, to make another word. Not all anagrams need be full.

In our Perfect Anagram researches, we also found Perfect TriAnagrams, and beyond, all reflecting in some way the idea they each describe. We found such perfectly reflective anagrams are healing to the awareness addressed, and the ills they describe, and so we called them Perfect Anagrams, easily seen to be heads and shoulders above the Full Anagram, meanings wise. To put it simply, the Perfect Anagram and the Full Anagram are not equals, in terms of meanings worthy of knowing.

Our favorite example to show this magic of English is, if you have AILMENT(S), then check your ALIMENTS. Said another way, if you have sickness(es), check your nourishments. AILMENTS == ALIMENTS letters wise, with one word showing the effects, the other showing the causes of illness .. the lack of proper nourishments. 'tis fact easily seen and so ..

In the early years of this research, we used to call the Perfect Anagram, an OLLPUHA. (ol poo' ah) .. OLLPUHAS is the plural, and you say it without the d in old; ol poo ahs.

One Line Letter Perfect Ultimate Healing Anagrams.

Because, that is what they are .. they are healing to you upon seeing them. Their truth shines such that you cannot miss them, if you know the meanings of the nameings.

For clarity, a Full Anagram is any matching of the letters on both sides of the == signs. The double equals signs together in this manner == is computer and mathematical language saying to you, things are generally equal in almost all ways on both sides of the equation, such as .. we have an equal number of characters, and we have an equal usage of particular letters, and so you can say both sets of letters on each side of the equation came from the same source letters.

We share another of the best we have found to live aware in the nowments .. Here is where you must have the discerning eye .. you can plainly see MANTLE == MANTEL, and yet what worth these words together in this manner ? None that I can plainly see. MANTEL is one name, Mickey Charles Mantel; Yes, that Mickey Mantel, and yes, others who use the Mantel surname, and yes, this is the only usage of MANTEL, while the lexicon shows MANTLE has many definitions, from a cloak worn by women to the plates of the earth, and others.

Then along comes one who has found a meaningful Full Anagram with these same letters, and its value rises to us because it is useful to know. When you find one that tickles your soul, you can call it a Perfect Anagram. It is perfect to your understanding of the accurate and true, worthy of place amongst your heart's best knowings.

MENTAL == LAMENT is a Perfect Anagram, giving you a potent hint.

Letterswise MENTAL == LAMENT, the same letters creating two very different words. Yet there is meaning to be found here, for you can always hear folks LAMENT something in their life. Their MENTAL LAMENT is painful to the person. This is real life pain, a mental and physical hurting, and one key here is to see that fact. Now we turn to the art and science of the Lexigram, and we can see the healing is contained in A MALE TAME A MENTAL LAMENT. Same as, A MA TAME A MENTAL LAMENT, another Lexigram line from the letters of our MENTAL ability. We can tame the MENTAL images with sincere MEDITATION, another magical word full of meanings in nameings.
This link will take you to our .org page sharing the Star Art of MEDITATION.

Perfect Anagrams can be created, discovered and verified using the Completes search link. Enter your text entry and the database will be searched for matches to that Complete Sequence. What this means is you will find any and all creations in the database coming from that exact combination of letters in their alphabetical sequence. Enter LISTEN, the database searches for EILNST, and among the results you will find SILENT. The word, LISTEN shows you how to do so, in your SILENT silence, lips not moving, thoughts quieted too, so we can process what we hear without our own imput, while we LISTEN IN SILENT. The Lexigram Star Art line from LISTEN amplifies this truth with, I LISTEN IN SILENT .. I SIT SILENT ~ I LISTEN IN.

Another is EARTH and HEART.
The database will show you that THE HEART is a Perfect Anagram of THE EARTH.

Currently you will not find a Perfect Anagrams search capability that returns only Perfect Anagrams .. you have to look at the results and find them by sight. One day, this will be added to the searches we can perform. As it is now, the Completes search can be a treasure trove of revealings, or not .. not all words reveal meaningful and useful truths easily seen. Fact is my feeling is the number of unrevealing words is far far greater than the revealing words. I say this another way, for clarity ..

Not every text entry will return meaningful results. These Engish decodings will also surprise you with a treasure trove of meaningful lines, every one of them are a bit of truth about their source word, EARTHLINGS. Almost 1,500 lines, to give you an idea of how revealing this word is. This is similar to encrypting a message that means something within a much larger message that means nothing of value. The needle in the haystack cannot be found because at first glance it looks just like the hay. The English encoding, enciphering, encrypting, is now decoded, deciphered, decrypted. I offer these proofs below .. the Axioms of the Art and Science of the Lexigram, and their Star Arts. A word is a sign with meaning. English is a sing song flow of speaking, and the words are the signs with meaning. A spoken word is a sign with sounds, and the sounds are agreed upon to have meaning.

The first four Axioms of the Lexigram are these :

LETTERS RESET itself to show it's purpose.

SO ..



Sequences | New Sequence | Singulars | Lexigrams | Completes | Creations | Lenses | Texts | BeginSnip | ContainSnip | EndSnip
  the Singular search results are still being researched for accurate description.

Press the Singulars link to search the database for the mothering sequence. For instance, if you search the sequence, IMPS, or Mississippi in the Singulars search, Mississippi will show up in the answers. The Singular sequence and its use is an interesting research at this time, and will become moreso as the database grows.

Sequences | New Sequence | Singulars | Lexigrams | Completes | Creations | Lenses | Texts | BeginSnip | ContainSnip | EndSnip
  the Lexigrams search will show the differing texts coming from the same Lexigram sequence.

the Lexigrams search will show the differing texts created from the same Lexigram sequence. After searching the database for that sequence and all its creations, you have a treasure trove of echoes, or not. The Lense and Lexigram sequences are the same .. I created the Lense as a datum in the database so that searches can be done for any Star Arts of any name, phrase or word, and so find all their lines. Otherwise the association of the individual lines to the Star Art is lost upon entry without the Lense reference. You cannot find all your entries with the Lexigram search, not all lines will use all letters of the Lexigram sequence. The only reason to add your Lense sequences is to keep track of any work you are doing on one mother-word sequence.

Sequences | New Sequence | Singulars | Lexigrams | Completes | Creations | Lenses | Texts | BeginSnip | ContainSnip | EndSnip
  the Completes search will enable you to verify Perfect Anagrams, and other texts from those same letters.

the Completes link will give you the opportunity to search the database for matches to all the letters of what you are searching. For further information, press Perfect Anagrams above.

Sequences | New Sequence | Singulars | Lexigrams | Completes | Creations | Lenses | Texts | BeginSnip | ContainSnip | EndSnip
  the Creations searches will show up any exact matches of letterings that create different texts.

the Creations search will search the database for exact sequence matches that will match up with different Texts. The purpose and reasoning for the Creation searches is to find the rare occurences of the exact same letters in the exact same position creating different wordings and different meanings. We give one example:

Authors, researchers, and others may show their drafts to an editor or friends, and then edit their work based on the responses. It becomes a process of show edit, show edit, until publication when it can be said the author, SHOWED IT.

The Creation sequence of SHOW EDIT is showedit
The Creation sequence of SHOWED IT is showedit

As an author and researcher, this one just tickled me. It was inspired by the fact that each Sequence entry will have a SHOW button, and if you are one who entered the sequence, you will also see an EDIT button. Members cannot edit other member's entries. Creation matches are rare, and when it happens, the program gives you a notice:

Congratulations !! You have a new Creation sequence match, with the link to view the match(es).

Sequences | New Sequence | Singulars | Lexigrams | Completes | Creations | Lenses | Texts | BeginSnip | ContainSnip | EndSnip
  the Lense sequence is used to associate all the Star Arts lines of any Star Art you are rendering.

I created the Lense as a datum in the database so that searches can be done for any Star Arts of any name, phrase or word, and so find all their lines. Otherwise the association of the individual lines to the Star Art is lost upon entry without the Lense reference. You cannot find all your entries with the Lexigram search, not all lines will use all letters of the Lexigram sequence. The only reason to add your Lense sequences is to keep track of any work you are doing on one mother-word sequence.

As an example, you are working the word, MOTHER and you find these lines of revealing:

By entering the word, MOTHER, in the Lense sequence, when you search the Lenses, you will find all the lines of revealing from the Lexigram renderings of MOTHER.

A dramatic example of this is the word, EARTHLINGS. As I write this, the Lense for EARTHLINGS reveals 1,480 lines.

You can know when you find any entry with a Lense word or phrase entered, someone has worked this sequence in some way, to some degree, with the Lexigram sequence. When you tab out of the Lense box, our processors will convert your entry to the Lexigram sequence, and then check to make sure your Text Entry is a proper subset of the Lense entry. You can also know that the Lense capability was among the strongest reasons for building this web site, so as to not lose track of the Star Arts and their lines in association with each other. Also at this writing, very few Star Arts have been fully entered into the database, all of my attention for years has been on the building of We are soon to go live with Sign Up .. we aim for April/May 2024. The Star Arts will be entered as time allows.

You can know that if there is a Lense entry, it was made by someone who worked the Lexigram sequence of this creation, and wants to associate those lines of revealing found. We are aware that as the database grows, it could become overwhelming to see all the variations of any particular sequence's creations. An example of this is the word EARTHLINGS, which has over 1,500 lines of revealing in the database, and not always in any order. These entries of lines from all the paper renditions of THE STAR ARTS IN EARTHLINGS in our gallery of Star Arts, you will see that in database form it can show a lost art of meaning due to too many lines with too many meanings, and not in the proper order so as to make the most sense. It is up to you to pick and choose to create meaning suitable to your searching from the database results. You are the detective of your own search, and you are the one who will find the meaning you can see from the letters, or not.

I share with you one of mine that took me well over a year to refine ..
first step, open a new browser window and do a Lenses search for, EARTHLINGS.

Now open this link in a new browser window, and read as slow as you can flow with full comprehension, feeling, and understanding.

What you are seeing in the Lense search results are a combination of many renditions of THE STAR ARTS IN EARTHLINGS. Without the Lense sequence connection, this ability to associate any Star Arts line with the Text Entry being entered is 'lost as a group of work.'

Lenses can also be thought of as the Star Art names you are referencing.
the Lense is the name, phrase or word you are working with in the Star Arts / Lexigram format.
The Lense is the 'mother word(s)' keeping track of the lines created from the mother's letters.
The Lense sequence is what keeps track of the Lexigram lines from the rendering of any English name, phrase or wording.
The Lense can show the Lexigram renderings at work .. try it by searching the word, EARTHLINGS, at the Lense link.
Each line you see in the response was added as a Star Art line from the EARTHLINGS renditions we have done over the years.
to reiterate ..

The Lense was created as a datum in the database so that searches can be done for any Star Arts of any name, phrase or word, and so find all their lines. Otherwise the association of the individual lines to the Star Art is lost upon entry without the Lense reference. You can still find your entries with the Lexigram search, and there will be more results there, usually, than in the Lense search, meaning you might find more lines of revealing in the Lexigram search, that are not in the Lense results.

If you were to enter FORGIVENESS FREES ONE into the Sequence Entry box, then enter FORGIVENESS into the Sequence Lense box, you will see it takes a second for it to process the entry as it compares your entry in the Lense box, to your entry in the Sequence Text box. You can see what happens if it is not a valid entry by typing into the Sequence Lense box, instead of FORGIVENESS, type in just the word FORGIVE, and you will see your text entry exceeds letters the lense entry, by the letters, enss, said another way, your Lense sequence is missing those letters, and cannot be entered as it is not matching. Yes, when I am rendering a Star Art these days, I enter the work, line by line, always including the Lense sequence entry, both to verify my Lexigram lines, and to relate the sequences to each other with this search capability.

Sequences | New Sequence | Singulars | Lexigrams | Completes | Creations | Lenses | Texts | BeginSnip | ContainSnip | EndSnip
  the Texts search allows you to search your entry to see if it exists in the database.

the Texts search allows you to find exact matches to your search entry. Enter the text, EARTHLINGS, and you will see only those answers that exactly match your text of EARTHLINGS, as made by others, if there are any. Consider using the Completes search instead, you will see the echoes of this particular letters sequence, if any. The larger the database grows, the more the echoes will begin to show.

Sequences | New Sequence | Singulars | Lexigrams | Completes | Creations | Lenses | Texts | BeginSnip | ContainSnip | EndSnip
  the Snip searches find any sequence of letters in defined positions of the creations.

the Snips links allows you to search for any sequence of letters at the beginning of a text, anywhere in the middle, and the end. An example is searching for the EndSnip of, STROPHE, will give you apostrophe, catastrophe, and others.